New Message: db address troubles
Wed, 17 Oct 2001 18:33:02 GMT

A new message was posted:


By: David Detlefsen (

I'm having a wierd problem scripting the construction of an address and getting the db contents which may have to do with a misunderstanding of how to use address:

I put the address together as a string using the following code:local (msgAckListAdr=("@" + pta^.discussionGroup + ".messages.[\"" + string.padWithZeros(msgNum ,7)+ "\"].pluginInfo.metaData.ackList"))...which gives me something like @["Macintosh HD:Applications:Frontier:Guest Databases:www:manilaWebsites.root"].mbucket2ManilaWebsite.["#discussionGroup"].messages.["0002672"]
pluginInfo.metaData.ackListwhich results in a typeOf = far so good.

If I try to something like local (msgAckListAdr=address("@" + pta^.discussionGroup + ".messages.[\"" + string.padWithZeros(msgNum ,7)+ "\"].pluginInfo.metaData.ackList")) I get an error stating that Can't coerce "@["Macintosh HD:Applications:Frontier:Guest Databases:www:manilaWebsites.root"].mbucket2ManilaWebsite.["#discussionGroup"]
messages.["0002672"].pluginInfo.metaData.ackList" to an address because it doesn't specify a valid object in the datab

However, If I take the above db reference string and paste it into the Quick Script window and check the type it comes back as typeOf = addr...what?, there must be some coersion logic going on here.

This is a Manila site..