New Message: Frontier 7.0.1 slow launch time

webmaster at webmaster at
Thu Oct 25 15:31:50 PDT 2001

A new message was posted:


By: David Davies (d.a.davies at

A while ago there was a flurry of messages about the very long launch time for the Frontier Mac 7.0.1 application. It's all kind of gone quiet so maybe it's now just me.

I recently had the opportunity of buying more RAM for my Mac Frontier server and now that I've allocated 256Mb RAM to Frontier it takes around 60 seconds to launch on my admittedly not top 'o the range but not slow either G3! This is ridiculous. This slow launch time is definitely related to the amount of RAM allocated to the application as varying allocated RAM varies the launch time.

This is unacceptable behaviour for a busy server as the whole machine locks up while Frontier does whatever it's doing with the RAM (checking it perhaps as a result of debug code being left into the shipping version?).

Are other Mac server managers still experiencing this or have I got a problem version of the application?



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