Gems references when moving site

Charles-Mourad Jaber Charles-Mourad.Jaber at
Tue Dec 4 14:02:58 PST 2001

Thanks, it is what I was looking for 

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Dow [mailto:Me at KenDow.Com]
Sent: lundi 3 décembre 2001 15:56
To: Frontier-Users at
Subject: Re: Gems references when moving site


>I recently move some sites from a frontier server to an other.... All is
>running right now, but all gems aren't referenced any more into the
>tranfered site.... is it normal ?

Depending on how the gems were being served on the old server, the 
gem files may have to be transferred from the to a new location. If 
you're using the same static server from both Frontier servers then 
that won't be required.

There is one subtable for each gem in the 
xxxManilaWebsite.["#newsSite"] table. It has a local file 
system path for the gem and a URL from which it should be served. One 
or both may have to  be updated in order for gems to work on the new 

If Frontier is serving the gems, you'll have to check that there is a entry pointing to the appropriate path 
on the new machine. You also need to set up the Gems configuration in 
the Manila section of the Control Panel on the new server so that new 
gems will  work. HTH.

Ken @

Eat and carouse with Bacchus, or munch dry bread with Jesus, but 
don't sit down without one of the gods. - D.H. Lawrence

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