question about This

Brian V Hughes brianvh at Dartmouth.EDU
Fri May 10 10:58:32 PDT 2002

--On 05/10/2002, Eric Soroos wrote:
>There was a change in the sometime frontier 8 beta process (iirc) that
>did lazy evaluation of this so that it was only computed if used.

I don't remember reading that, but it wouldn't surprise me to learn 
it was true. I think my point still stands, however, that if you call 
the script and that script makes use if "this", it should return the 
address of itself. No matter the context of the script's execution.

This has to be the case, since I make use of "this" in nearly every 
#security script I write. It's the quickest way to get the address of 
the web site table, via parentOf (this^)...


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