Apple Rackmounts

Paolo Valdemarin paolo.valdemarin at
Tue May 14 13:40:27 PDT 2002

>Unfortunately in this configuration, anyone who has access to the gui
>is root. And, if someone were to figure out a hole in your app or
>frontier, they could be root.  (it is rare, but it has happened.)
>Running webservers as root is not a good idea, as Microsoft has
>shown over and over.
>You're better off using port forwarding to get around the few root
>privleges that you need rather than granting anyone root access. I've
>got a startup script that does the port forwarding if you need one.

We have already solved the port forwarding part with a script. Need 
to figure out why we are running Frontier as root, actually I had not 
realized that we were doing this (also if it does make sense now ;) 
it's defintely not a good idea.


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