question about This

Brian Andresen brian at
Mon May 27 17:41:44 PDT 2002

On 5/27/2002 4:44 PM, Matt Neuburg <matt at> wrote:

>  local (pta = html.getpagetableaddress());
>  script.newscriptobject("return this", @pta^.weirdness);
>  return pta^.weirdness()
>Now, I claim *that* works when rendering statically but not when rendering
>dynamically. m.

The keyword "this" isn't defined for scripts housed in a local variable.  
I don't know why UserLand imposes this restriction, but it's there.

     local( scpt )
     script.newScriptObject( "return this", @scpt )
     dialog.alert( scpt() )

The stack trace from the Go To button shows a label of "anonymous" for 
the topmost stack frame, which supports the idea that the kernel simply 
doesn't know where "this" is located.  This is not actually true; the 
kernel *does* know the name of the script.  Use:

     script.newScriptObject( "on foo() { return 3 }", @scpt )


     script.newScriptObject( "on foo() { return 3 }; return 4", @scpt )


     script.newScriptObject( "on scpt() { return 3 }; return 4", @scpt )

to demonstrate that the interpreter knows the script is housed in "scpt". 
 So the information is there, but we're not allowed to get it.


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