forms and secure authentication

David Stodolsky david.stodolsky at
Fri Nov 29 03:21:28 PST 2002

On Saturday, November 23, 2002, at 03:38  PM, David Stodolsky wrote:

> The folks that run the Lotus Notes portal recommend Manila/Frontier 
> except in cases where "bullet proof" security is needed.

The funny thing is that due to a secret deal between IBM and a certain 
US Government agency, the Notes crypo was weakened by embedding a 
hidden checksum in the key bits for Notes. The effect of this was, that 
to this agency, their remained only about 10 bits of security. Given 
acres of computers, this was effectively clear text. The entire Swedish 
public sector adopted Notes....

I am arguing that Manila can compete on security, but only if there is 
a clear specification of what it can do and the threats it resists.


David S. Stodolsky, PhD    PGP: 0x35490763    david.stodolsky at

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