Migrating to Mac OS X...

Bob Mitchell mitchell at purdue.edu
Tue Sep 10 09:13:13 PDT 2002

I am migrating WebStar 4.5 and Frontier 8.0.5 from MacOS 9.2.2 to WebStar V
and Frontier 8.0.5 on MacOS 10.2. WebStar migrated and runs correctly;
Frontier roots were migrated and run on OS 10 version, but I'm at a loss on
how to setup the Action in WebStar that will process a Frontier script as a
CGI. I'm not running the Frontier webserver. Could someone point me in the
right direction?

Thanks. Bob
Bob Mitchell, Dept. IT Manager & Webmaster
1155 Botany and Plant Pathology Dept.
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN  47907-1155
Email:  mitchell at purdue.edu
Phone:  765-494-4659, FAX:  765-494-0363
WWW:    http://www.btny.purdue.edu

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