Obtaining site info

Nicklin, Kelly nicklink at ops.org
Tue Sep 10 13:39:58 PDT 2002

I need an accurate way of finding out the date and time of the most recent
page change for each site on our server. I'd also like to get a list of the
number of pages in each site.

I'm currently using {hostingSuite.listSites(false)} to list the sites on the
server. It lists each site followed by a date. The date appears to be the
last time a page was added to the site. Changes to existing pages don't
appear to be recorded.

{hostingSuite.viewUpdates (n)} only lists times, no dates and I can't get it
to list more than 41 sites.

Is there anyway to get meaningful and accurate information about the most
recent change to a site? It doesn't have to be on a web page, running a
script in Manila would work, but I have no idea how to do that.

I'd also like to be able to get a summary of the number of stories that have
been created in each site. The closest thing I've found is #glossary, but it
seems to list more than stories and, again, I have no idea how to get that
info without looking at each entry in manilaWebsites.root

Thanks for any help anyone can offer.

Mr. Kelly Nicklin
Technical Training/Web Development
Information Management Services
Omaha Public Schools
nicklink at ops.org
Voice: 402/557-2514
FAX: 402/557-2509

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