xml.addValue bug?

Jan M.J. Storms jan at storms.org
Fri May 14 15:12:21 PDT 2004

It must be a bug. If i move the table at adrXmlObj up closer to the top
level of the root, the truncation of the address disappears. However,
adrLabel remains unusable - it is just 7 levels deep, out of which 4 are

>xml.addValue seems to return truncated addresses. i have the following code
>local (adrLabel = xml.addValue (adrXmlObj, "label", adr^))
>adrLabel contains just @["00005000\tlabel"] instead of the full path from
>the Guest database and all the parent tables
>If i am not doing something wrong, i would like to submit this to the bug
>database. Otherwise I'd be happy to receive some clarification of my error.
>Jan Storms

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