{postime} macro - where is it?

David A. Bayly Manila-Newbies@userland.com
Wed, 5 Sep 2001 11:19:38 +0100


This isn't really macro, it's a builtin macro that is handled in 
manilaSuite.filters.pageFilter. Notice that it uses the language 
based localisation,  I assume you speak English up there in Scotland, 
so as I read the code ,  since there is no setup for UK English as 
distinct from US English, you are getting US settings.

I suggest you write a macro that  builds  the string you want. Since 
you are a mac user, you will see  results from date.abbrevstrign and 
date.longstrign that reflect the control panel settings.

>Where can I find the {postTime} macro  - so that I could copy it and alter
>it for my own purposes? I've looked in manilaMacros in the manila.root and I
>have looke in user.html.macros. If I do manage to find it and copy it where
>is the best place to put the copy?
>Jim Byrne Project Director, The Making Connections Unit, Glasgow Caledonian
>University, Glasgow G4 OBA, 0141 331 3893
>Everything you need to know about publishing accessible information on the
>Connections Disability: http://www.connections.gcal.ac.uk/
>Scottish Disability Information Mailing list:


- David Bayly.       Programmer and digest reader.     dbayly at udena dot ch
  		Digest Readers do it once a day.