<a href="name"></a>

Bob Raiselis Gems Error
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  • On my Mac have no trouble setting up name links within a Manila page (you
    See the <a href="#NAME">details</a> below.
    (Links to a named target location from somewhere in the document )
    <a name="NAME"></a> 
    Here are the details
    (Creates a target location within a document)
    But on of the editors for the site (on a Windows machine) has all of
    those references suddenly turn non-relative, like
    See the <a href="http:/www.domain.com/discuss/edit/
    editInBrowser$25#NAME">details</a> below.
    (Links to a named target location from somewhere in the document )
    <a name="http:/www.domain.com/discuss/edit/editInBrowser$25#NAME"></a> 
    Here are the details
    (Creates a target location within a document)
    Evidently Manila is resolving the relative links and making them static.
    When I go in to look at the Edit This Page I see the links as converted above.
    naturally, this is not the Manila Way.  Any idea whay this is happening?