New Message: Re: SMTP Authentication [Solved]

webmaster at webmaster at
Mon Aug 28 13:45:52 CDT 2006

A new message was posted:


By: Tom Clifton (tclifton at

The sendMail suite was giving me errors when trying to connect to Earthlink's smtp authentication server.

The error was: "501 Invalid base64 data"

After discussing the problem with David Bayly, he suggested changing the second parameter (64) in the following line of sendMail.utility.authenticate:

s = base64.encode(user + " " + crypto.hmac_MD5(s, password), 64)

to something large like 500:

s = base64.encode(user + " " + crypto.hmac_MD5(s, password), 500)

so that there are no breaks in long authentication strings.

I tested this change and it fixed the problem. I can now use Frontier's email services through my Earthlink account.

Thank you, David for the suite and your help getting this problem worked out.

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