New Message: Email notification for trackbacks

webmaster at webmaster at
Tue Jul 12 06:38:47 CDT 2005

A new message was posted:


By: Steve Hooker (steve at

This bundle is placed in manilaSuite.trackback.respondToPing at the very bottom of the on respondCallback.

bundle { // send an email notification 12/07/05; 10:45:25 by Steve Hooker
 local (adrSite = @parentOf (parentOf (parentOf (adrmsg^)^)^)^);
 local (adrNewsSite = @adrSite^.["#newsSite"]);
 local (newsItemUrl = (msgnum, adrSite) + "#" + msgnum);
 local (sender);
 bundle { //get the sender email address
 sender = "webmaster at";
 if defined (adrNewsSite^.notifySender) {
 sender = adrNewsSite^.notifySender}};
 bundle { //get the recipients list
 local (recipients);
 if not defined (adrNewsSite^.notifyList) {
 return (true)};
 recipients = adrNewsSite^.notifyList;
 if typeOf (recipients) != listType {
 recipients = manilaSuite.admin.stringToList (recipients)}}; //05/07/2001 JES: coercing the string to a list wasn't good enough
 bundle { //send the email
 local {
 emailSubject = "[Trackback] for " + title + " from " + weblogName;
 emailMessage = "You have received a trackback ping from:\r" + url + "\r" + "Their title of their post is:\r" + title + "\r" + "Their weblog name:\r" + weblogName + "\r" + "And the excerpt is:\r" + excerpt + "\r\n" + "Your url for this post is:\r" + newsItemUrl};
 for oneRecipient in recipients {
 try {manilaSuite.sendMail (oneRecipient, emailSubject, emailMessage, sender)}}}}

Matt dude, I feel for you ;-))) I don't know how many times I've tripped through the tangle of spaghetti. But I do love it now. Keep diggin' dude ;-))

BTW want to share the 10 days thing?

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