New Message: pictureRef issue in Manila 9.5

webmaster at webmaster at
Mon Jun 20 15:32:20 CDT 2005

A new message was posted:


By: Matt Deatherage (frontier at

[I sent this to UserLand support through E-mail one week ago, but as I have yet to receive either reply or acknowledgement, much less a solution or workaround, I'm reposting it here.]

I'm having trouble getting the pictureRef macro working in Manila 9.5, even though existing pages on the same server that use it still work fine.

This message:$199

..contains the following macro, allowing me to use a small image in the message that links to a full PDF file of the image, both specified as shortcuts:

pictureRef ("Wind Sym 2005-04-11 small", align: "left", glossref: "Wind Sym 2005-04-11 PDF", border:"2", vspace:"6", hspace:"6")

(That page does not have an "Edit" link on it, and I can't tell you why, but that's another story.)

This page, however:$1233

..on the same server, contains the following much simpler macro line, again linking a small picture to a large one using shortcut names:

pictureRef ("Double Rainbow Small", glossref: "Double Rainbow Large")

Both pictures exist:

Double Rainbow Small:$1231

Double Rainbow Large:$1232

but when I try to view the message with the pictureRef macro, Manila displays no pictures. Instead, I get:

[Macro error: Can't find a sub-table named "strings".]

Any thoughts?

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