New Message: Still having trouble getting macros rendered

webmaster at webmaster at
Sun Oct 23 18:09:37 CDT 2005

A new message was posted:


By: Matt Deatherage (frontier at

For example, see this page:$244

Back in message #1268 on this group, I recounted a long-standing problem I had, on the same site, getting Manila to render macros on "View Department" pages. I eventually found an answer to that on my own - replacing an "untaint" call with "neuterText", allowing macros to be processed.

Now I see the same thing on individual message pages, and after about 90 mins of spending my "free" time today on it, I can't find an answer. Somewhere, I'm presuming, either flReadMessageProcessMacros is getting set to "false" when it shouldn't, but I changed every instance of that I found in manila.root to "true", one at a time, and it made no difference. Either that, or I'm guessing, that no one is setting flReadMessageProcessMacros to "true", so the message renderer assumes it should not process macros.

Originally, the message above had both a shortcut and a macro in it - I try to use "relativeLink" macros in messages for internal URLs. If I don't, and just use "a" tags with the partial URL in question, the resulting RSS feed doesn't pass validation. I went back to the partial URL so the "contact the Webmaster" link would at least **work**, but the shortcut is still not rendering.

I've asked for a long time for an easy way to reference other pages on the site without hard-coding URLs, and if relativeLink is it, can it **please** work in all messages? It just seems that every time I turn around on this site, there's some new one of Manila's fifty-billion page-rendering paths that's not rendering macros/shortcuts yet again. :-(

(I'll also mention, just briefly, that previous messages from August said Manila 9.6 was coming "any day now" with fixes, and my subscription expires in a couple of weeks, and I'd really like to see some of these fixes promised two months ago before that comes up. If Manila 9.6 is released a few days after my renewal date, I'd probably be motivated to wait until 9.7 or 10.0 or whatever to commit that kind of chunk of change, or at least for some fixes to shake out.)

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