New Message: Re: Commenting is too difficult.

webmaster at webmaster at
Sun Oct 30 23:19:36 CST 2005

A new message was posted:


By: Jake Savin (jake at

/CommentLink requires using Radio Community Server. .../

Just to be clear: the commentLink macro does /not/ require RCS. It /does/ require that you turn on Radio Hosting in your site, since the comment pop-up (for strange historical reasons which probably no longer make much sense) is part of that feature-set.

/... RCS lets anyone post comments without being registered, and attracts thousands and thousands of spam messages.../

This is true, but will not necessarily be once Manila 9.6 is available. We're working on moderation features which will make it possible to require membership for comments to be posted, and also to optionally require editorial approval before a comment is made public.

That said, there /is/ a usability issue here. One should be able to specify that the discussion group links appear even if not logged in, and it should also be clearer that to post, you first need to register.

We'll look into this.

Thanks all, for the feedback,


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