New Message: Re: IE 7 problem

webmaster at webmaster at
Mon Nov 27 14:51:14 CST 2006

A new message was posted:


By: Eric Kemsley (ekemsley at

I tried doing it from the settings page ( and got this error:
Thanks for updating. 1 new or changed parts were installed. At least one error occurred.The number of new parts installed in each database is listed below:

Couldn't update Frontier.root because the server didn't respond within 2 minutes.
Couldn't update mainResponder.root because the server didn't respond within 2 minutes.
Couldn't update manila.root because the server didn't respond within 2 minutes.
1 new part added to prefs.root.

Can I just update it from the frontier page? BUt if I do it that way, don't I have to update the other .root files as well?

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