New Message: Re: Feature wish for editing pictures

webmaster at webmaster at
Tue Apr 24 20:37:21 CDT 2007

A new message was posted:


By: Dan Mitchell (dan at

Here, let me try. I'll report the results as I go...

I go to my Pictures page via the Editors Only links, pick a picture from the list, and click on it.

Now I'm on that picture's page. It's title is at the top, an EDIT THIS PAGE button appears below that, and the actual picture is beneath the EDIT THIS PAGE button. Scrolling down beneath the picture I see the description text I originally added to the picture when I "created" (shouldn't Userland change that verb to "add?") the new picture, and then there is the Admin box.

I click the EDIT THIS PAGE button.

I'm now on the Edit This Picture page. In the Choose a Picture: section there is a Choose File button. Next to this button it says "no picture selected."

I scroll down to the Text: box and add a word to the desccription.

I click the Post Changes button.

The next page is titled *It Didn't Work*. The picture appears, but right above it I see the text "Can't Post" and below the picture the sentence continues with "because "there is no content type description for this picture"."

There is a "go back" link at the bottom of the page which returns me to the Edit Picture page.

Now, if I use Choose a Picture and the Choose File button to go locate the same image file and repeat the process everything works fine.

In other words, I cannot edit the text without reselecting the image.

I'm running the latest version of Frontier/Manila 9.6 with (as far as I can tell) all current upgrades.


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