New Message: Re: Upgrade Issues

webmaster at webmaster at
Thu Feb 8 08:54:38 CST 2007

A new message was posted:


By: Dan Mitchell (dan at


I'm not sure what you mean by "go to the server directly."

Originally I tried updating my installation in the "normal" way - downloading the installer and running it on my server box. I hung with an error message related to Radio Community Server. (If I recall correctly, the upgrader could not find RCS.)

At this point I wrote to you and you suggested an alternate method: download the upgrader; manually move the Frontier app to my server to replace the old version; launch the new version; "manually" update frontier.root, Manila.root, prefs.root, and mainresponder.root by way of the update mechanism in the Frontier menus. This is what I did last night, and it left me without the ability to create or edit news items.

I do have physical access to the server.

I'm still hoping for a solution that will permit me to update from the old 9.1 version that I'm still running.



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