random image macro needed for Manila

Bob Raiselis bob.raiselis at valley.net
Mon Sep 24 07:37:09 CDT 2007

Hi all-

I know about the macro that uses consecutively-numbered images and a  
random number generator to display one of them.

What I need is something easier for an editor to change - something  
that would work like

{macro("my picture","another picture", "a different picture")}

and would display one of them each time the page loaded. If the  
pictures can be inserted with their normal Manila picture title, it  
will allow editors to change the selection without having to upload a  
whole new set, named appropriately.

Failing that, is there a way to rename or to give an additional title  
to a picture so that the new shortcut just displays the picture and  
not a link to the picture in the picture viewer?



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