New Message: Re: Posting files/gems

webmaster at webmaster at
Sat Jan 2 16:34:35 CST 2010

A new message was posted:


By: Jake Savin (jake at

What you need is to make sure that the files are saved in a location that's accessible to the web server, and that the URL for that location is configured in the Settings page for Static Files.

On your server, go to and then click on Static Files in the second section, Manila. Then make sure that the path where Gems are stored is under your ...Guest Databases\www folder, and that the URL is the URL of your server (as publically accessible, not by IP address), and that the path on the URL matches the sub-path you set for the folder to save the files.

This will resolve the issue for new files, but will not fix old ones. For that, you'll need to either re-upload the files, or run a script to update the URLs and ensure that the fieels are in the right place. Unfortunately I don't have the time to help with the script. One of the people I emailed you about the other day may be able to help with that.

HTH, -Jake

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