New Message: Re: Template for print-friendly pages

webmaster at webmaster at
Mon Oct 1 13:26:12 PDT 2001

A new message was posted:


By: Sylvain Carle (scarle at

/I think this would be a subject for a complete rewrite of Manila./

At least a major version upgrade for sure. But if it ships with default transformations and styles, it gives flexibility to developers and keep it simple for novice users (like it does for themes right now, no need to go to advanced prefs -> html for beginners)...

As a potential frontier developer (ie I dabble in Radio's code and am considering getting a Frontier license), this is what I expect from such a package, especially once you consider a typical team that builds a solution, I can't see how a designer would dive into a .root file and edit whatever.suite.html just to change the size of the Title on a printable page (at the same time, I am happy this feature is available NOW, not in 6 months).

Maybe one simple solution is to rewrite all the code that sets presentation to use linked .css files, not as powerful but at least it's easier for a web designer to modify the style of a manila site in all it's details.

As a web developper with lot's of experience in other scripting languages, I know that complete separation of logic, layout and style is kind of a holy grail, it's hard in Perl, in ASP, in PHP and in JSP as well but while never reaching perfection I think it's a goal to strive for...

This is a Manila site..

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