New Message: Re: Getting a value from an XML table

webmaster at webmaster at
Sun Oct 21 10:10:45 PDT 2001

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By: Brian Ablaza (bablaza at

/... I would need some way to poll FM for changes and I'm not sure if that's possible/

Every record in FMP has a MODID value to help maintain record integrity in a multi-user environment., You get a record, and if you need to write changes back to the db, you get the MODID of the rec first. If it's changed, someone else has edited the record since you pulled it. This could be the basis for record-level caching: check the MODID and compare to the last time you requested the record.

/Does the script just look for each -edit and -delete parameter in a URL.../

Not in the URL. I have forms that POST to Frontier, which then writes to FMP. So I know if it's a delete or edit before I communicate with the db, and can handle the cache accordingly.

I have two sets of scripts, one that handles the calls to FMP (setting up URL, retrieving and error-checking result, etc.) and a set that handles the Frontier interface (building pages from XML, parsing form data, etc.). The low-level scripts could almost act like glue to FMP, with only the higher-level Frontier scripts needing to be customized for a particular application.

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