Story isn't a story anymore (after moving manila site)

Aadjan van der Helm A.vanderHelm at
Mon Oct 15 05:28:28 PDT 2001


In the process of a site restructure we renamed a manila site (we did 
do uninstall, rename, install).

We now have a number of stories that when requested with an url 
ending in: .../stories/storyReader$67, give an error in the browser 
Sorry! There was an error: Can't display story 67 because it doesn't exist.

When we view the story with .../discuss/msgReader$67 it DOES show up 
in the discuss template. After we check the "make this message a 
story?" button and press submit, we can once again access the story 
through urls ending in .../stories/storyReader.

We have the same problem with pictures...

What happened?

How can we easily fix the broken stories (without going though the 
routine of checking and submitting for every story and picture)?

How can we prevent this in the future?



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