bulletin mailer on the fritz

Jerome Camus camus at iwant2go2.com
Thu Oct 11 02:47:38 PDT 2001

On a site we are running, a client prepared a bulletin to send to his 
manilaWebsite members.
Upon lanching the action by clicking the button, the following error 
cropped up (repeatedly):
Can't send mail because of an unexpected server response. I said 
"RCPT TO: " and the server replied "550 Invalid recipient ".
which seems to indicate one of the user eMailAddress is incorrect.

We know that one given user has received dozens of the same bulletin 
via eMail, when our client tried to send the bulletin only three 
times.  Many other members on the list have not received the bulletin.

The four bahaviours - invalid recepient, three sends, multiple 
receipts by one member, no receipt by large majority - are rather 
paradoxical.  Any ideas on where to dig to solve this problem?

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