FW: FW: config.mainresponder.debugLog error (Mac OS X)

Lawrence Lee lawrence at userland.com
Sat Oct 20 11:27:25 PDT 2001

Thanks Eric.

The config.root ballooned to 1.9 GB.

Here's a Frontier document that details the config.mainResponder.prefs
and also mentions some default settings (including turning flDebug off):



-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Soroos
Sent: October 20, 2001 11:19 AM
To: Frontier-Server at userland.com; frontier-users at userland.com
Subject: Re: FW: config.mainresponder.debugLog error (Mac OS X)

> "Can't save the database because there was an error packing 
> config.mainResponder.debugLog.21820000
> 7:56:48 AM.00008000"

It's database corruption, probably from trying to save the database on 
a full drive (or from running out of memory if it wasn't osx. )

You have three options.

1) Try saving a copy of the database from the file-> save a copy menu.
2) restore the database from a good backup. 
3) Attempt to repair the database by deleting the 
config.mainresponder.debugLog table and save a copy. if that doesn't 
work, your last option is to try table.jettison (I think that's the
name) and 
immediately save a copy. 

If those don't work, you'll have to rebuild the file.

Incidentially, you probably don't want 
config.mainresponder.prefs.fldebug on, since writing to config.root 
often tends to encourage this sort of problem. You might also want to 
modify the backup procedure to only keep one days worth of backups 



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