config.mainresponder.debugLog error

Sam DeVore sdevore at
Sat Oct 20 11:37:53 PDT 2001

>Hi all,
>Can anyone decipher the following error message?
>"Can't save the database because there was an error packing
>7:56:48 AM.00008000"

   I think that the root of this is that your had a crash durring a 
save with a low disk space condition (I know you know this.  My 
suggestion is to delete the table and do a save a copy for that root, 
then replace the root with your new copy.  One thing that I tend to 
do when I have a big crash is to run a script called 
saveCopyAllOpenDatabases which does a nice job of cleaning up those 
little DB errors that sometimes crop up after a crash, then I replace 
all my active roots ( I posted it at 

If you have any questions, ask away.

Sam D
- To be great is to be misunderstood  (Ralph
      \                                 Waldo
       \                              Emerson)
   o_/ | \_     Sam DeVore <sdevore at>
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