config.mainresponder.debugLog error

Andre Radke spicynoodles at
Sat Oct 20 11:36:23 PDT 2001

Hi Sarah,

>Can anyone decipher the following error message?
>"Can't save the database because there was an error packing
>7:56:48 AM.00008000"

First, make sure that config.mainResponder.prefs.flDebug is set to 
false. I presume it is currently set to true.

Then enter the following in Frontier's Quick Script window (cmd-;)

	table.jettison (@config.mainResponder.debugLog)

This will drop the damaged table from the database. Can you save 
config.root now?

At 12:57 Uhr -0400 20.10.2001, Lohnes, Sarah wrote:
>One more note -  I tried to open the debugLog table in config.root, and now
>the machine is just spinning and spinning...

That's probably because that table contains about 22,000 items, at 
least according to the error message you cited above.


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