uploading files with http POST?

Seth Dillingham seth at macrobyte.net
Wed Sep 19 15:43:51 PDT 2001

On Wednesday, September 19, 2001 at 7:38 AM, Keola Donaghy wrote:

>Aloha all.  I need to post what could be a few thousand small (50-100k)
>audio files to a server with POST. Unfortunately it is the only way to get
>the files into this type of server, and the developer has no tools for
>automating the process; they're telling me to post them with a web browser
>one at a time. I was hoping to script it with Frontier but don't see how
>to do such a script using the tcp.httpClient verb; but it seems that the
>httpClient can only send strings. Is there another path I'm missing?

If you need to send post args, you include them in the "data" argument when
calling tcp.httpClient.

You can figure out how to format the data that you send by saving a copy of
their web form to your machine, and changing the form action to point to your
Frontier server. Turn on debugging on the Frontier server, so that it saves a
copy of the incoming param table, and then look through the request string to
see how the POST args need to be formatted.

I hope that helps...

Seth Dillingham

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