Help with cross-platform javascript css sniffer

Nate Russell nate at
Tue Dec 10 03:20:14 PST 2002


I was wondering if someone could point me to what I'm doing wrong. 
I'm trying to put a javascript browser sniffer into the pageHeader in 
the #prefs section, that will detect PC, Mac or ie3 and load a 
separate stylesheet for each result. I have the script below in the 
pageheader outline but can't get the css.files to be called up 
properly. I keep getting the error: Macro error: Can't evaluate the 
expression because the name "ie3" hasn't been defined.

There is probably a problem between the javascript and userscript 
getting garbled. It looks as if frontier doesn't recognize my 
stylesheets that I saved as outlines in the #styleSheets directory. 
Any ideas?
Thanks, nate


	{metaTags ()}
		if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")  \{
			if (navigator.appVersion \< 4)  \{
				document.write({linkStyleSheet (ie3)}
		else if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac") != -1) \{
			document.write({linkStyleSheet (mac)})
		else  \{
			document.write({linkStyleSheet (pc)})
{bodyTag ()}

When the page loads in a browser i get this in the source code:

			if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet 
Explorer")  {
				if (navigator.appVersion < 4)  {
error: Can't evaluate the expression because the name "ie3" hasn't 
been defined.<b>]</b>
			else if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac") != -1) {
				document.write(<b>[</b>Macro error: 
Can't evaluate the expression because the name "mac" hasn't been 
			else  {
				document.write(<b>[</b>Macro error: 
Can't link to style sheet ":" because it wasn't found.<b>]</b>

Nate Russell, Webmaster
Inter-Research Science Publisher
Nordbuente 23
D-21385 Oldendorf/Luhe

Tel: (+49) (4132) 7127     Email: nate at
Fax: (+49) (4132) 8883
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