Re(2): Radio Userland review

Jan M.J. Storms jan at
Wed Dec 11 06:05:34 PST 2002

Seth Dillingham scripsit dd. Wed, 11 Dec 2002 08:30:33 -0500

>It's fairly straight forward to point an existing Radio installation
>at your own community server, but it's a bit more work to produce
>custom Radio installers (which UserLand allows) for distribution which
>automatically link up to your own server.
>I'm speaking from experience here, as I just recently did this for
>Harvey Kirkpatrick at iTown (
>Not saying it's exceptionally difficult, but it's time consuming.
>Takes a lot of "practice runs" on all three platforms (Win, MacOS,

Could you give us an overview of steps, maybe, or a script which could help?

Jan Storms

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