Searching a Manila site

Terri Phifer webmaster at
Fri Dec 6 11:05:17 PST 2002

IMHO It is going to be difficult, if not impossible for you to remove
pages from the results after the index has already been created. You
would have to go through each word on every page you want to be excluded
and remove the references in search.root.

You should check out John VanDyk's excellent MetaData plugin which
includes a search function. It will easily accomplish what you want.
Create a metatype such as includeInSearchResults to make pages
"searchable" or not. Even though all the pages will be indexed, only the
ones that have includeInSearchResults=true will show up in the results.

John has the documentation on his site.

Terri Phifer

-----Original Message-----
From: John VanDyk [mailto:jvandyk at] 
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 12:56 PM
To: Frontier-Users at
Subject: Re: Searching a Manila site

Last I checked the actual data store lives in search.root. The table is only a transient home for incoming data 
until it gets processed and goes into search.root.

>I'm using the {searchThisSite (buttontext:"Search",
>thisSiteOnlyCheckText:"This site only")} macro for the search form on a
>Manila site, and it seems to work, but I don't see anything in the
> table (which is where I assume search indexes
>end up). Where is the search information being stored now? Frontier 9
>a Mac OS 9.
>I need to be able to go in to delete certain administrative pages from
>the search index, unless there is an easier way to specify that a story
>should not get indexed.

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