Moving sites to new hardware

Peter Harbeson pete at
Thu Dec 12 07:20:28 PST 2002

This question is also posted on the Frontier discussion board. I'm 
hoping there's a clean way to deal with a big  problem I've encountered. 
I need to move my Frontier/Manila software to new hardware that has a 
partitioning scheme different than the old hardware. My Manila sites 
don't work on the new hardware because there seem to be absolute 
pathnames *everywhere* in the databases. Leaving aside for the moment 
the fact that this seems like an almost unbelievably bad design, how can 
this be fixed? Changing the partitioning of the hardware just to suit 
this particular application is not feasible in this case. What I really 
want is to configure Manila to use relative paths, but I don't see a way 
to do that. Does anyone have any advice?

Pete Harbeson

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