Moving sites to new hardware

Samuel Reynolds sam at
Thu Dec 12 08:21:39 PST 2002

>This question is also posted on the Frontier discussion board. I'm 
>hoping there's a clean way to deal with a big  problem I've encountered. 
>I need to move my Frontier/Manila software to new hardware that has a 
>partitioning scheme different than the old hardware. My Manila sites 
>don't work on the new hardware because there seem to be absolute 
>pathnames *everywhere* in the databases. Leaving aside for the moment 
>the fact that this seems like an almost unbelievably bad design, how can 
>this be fixed? Changing the partitioning of the hardware just to suit 
>this particular application is not feasible in this case. What I really 
>want is to configure Manila to use relative paths, but I don't see a way 
>to do that. Does anyone have any advice?
>Pete Harbeson

I just did this for a client. The software was
moved to a new server, with a new domain name,
a new machine name, and new disk and directory

The base domain name had to be changed manually in
config.manila.prefs. I did a manual search-and-replace
of the old URLs in manila.root, mainresponder.root,
config.root, etc. Took about 3 hours.

Because they had only a few sites, they were able
to do Server->Uninstall Site and Server->Install Site
for each site. That took care of the new domain name.

I *think* the Uninstall/Install could be automated.
I'm not sure if the URL replacement in the UserLand
.roots could be; I think some were found in 'binary'
objects (though I'm not sure why).

As to changing Manila to use relative paths throughout:
save your effort. You'd have to change a lot of
UserLand code.


- Sam
Samuel Reynolds              Sam at
Custom Software Development
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