How to fix "damaged free list" error?

David A. Bayly dbayly at
Thu Jul 4 09:56:03 PDT 2002

You can sometimes figure out which one is the culprit by  launching 
frontier and watching the about window  until the error appears.  If 
the message doesn't appear, do a save copy on the lot, there's a 
chance that if one is corrupt that others will be too.

You ideally should to do a save copy on each GDB, on a  regular 
basis, its the nearest thing to a validation check that Frontier 
posses. I do it once a week, and I wrote scripts to automate the 
process to a  degree.

>I've been getting the following error message from Frontier 8:  "This
>database has a damaged free list. Use the save as command to create a
>new, compacted database"
>The problem is that there is no indication of which database is
>damaged.  How do I figure which database is damaged?  Should I go
>through each database that is open and do a "save as".
>Raymond Yee                          44 Barrows Hall, #3810
>Technology Architect                            UC Berkeley
>Interactive University Project      Berkeley, CA 94720-3810
>yee at                 510-642-0476 (work)
>               413-541-5683  (fax)


- David Bayly.       Programmer and digest reader.     dbayly at udena dot ch
  		Digest Readers do it once a day.

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