{BUG} Editing string values has no effect

Matt Neuburg matt at tidbits.com
Sat Mar 9 15:57:38 PST 2002

On Mon, 4 Mar 2002 22:15:38 -0500, Jason Levine <jason at queso.com> said:

>Nope, Andrew; you're not alone, I agree with you.
>>>>You can edit it to your hearts content,
>>> You need to enter the value surrounded by "quotes" if the value is equal
>>> to a cell name (same with colors and other predefined names)
>>> michel
>>Okay, I should have remembered that, silly me.
>>OTOH, am I the only one who thinks it's a bug? :o)

It's actually a very cool feature. Suppose you have a table consisting of
mything1 and mything2. If you give mything2 a value mything1, without
quotes, its value will be, not the string "mything1", but the value of the
item whose name is mything1.

Similarly, if you make a new item in the table and give it a value
user.prefs.name, your name will appear as the value! This only works when
the item is nil or a string, of course.

Instead being seen as a bug, knowledge of this feature is seen as
separating the sheep from the goats. Now that you know the secret, you too
are a goat (or a sheep, I forget which). :-) m.


matt neuburg, phd = matt at tidbits.com, http://www.tidbits.com/matt
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