
Bill Humphries whump at apple.com
Mon Mar 18 17:28:45 PST 2002

Here's a proposed verb for Radio/Frontier, as well as first pass at 
writing it.

There's already an xml.getPathAddress() verb implemented as a script. I 
need to take XPath expressions and get the corresponding table address, 
thus, I wrote getAddressFromXpath() based on xml.getPathAddress().

In the first version of getAddressFromXpath(), you're limited to simple 
Xpath qualifiers, /a/b[@c = '2']/d. I haven't implemented the whole suite 
of XPath functions, or XPath's axes. But it does what I need it to do for 
the moment.

The reason I'm doing this is because I want the part of the system I'm 
working on that faces the Web to use standard interfaces. XPath is a 
standard for describing the location in an XML document. So when the 
request hits the system, we convert it to a Frontier table address and 
crank from there.

on getAddressFromXpath (xtable, path, adrresult) {
	«3/18/02; 3:26:29 PM by whump
		«Based on xml.getPathAddress by DW
		«Given an XPath expression, and an XML table, locate the address 
corresponding to the expression.
		«If found, return it in adrresult^
			«XPath Axes are not supported
			«XPath functions are not supported
			«[@foo = 'bar'] is supported
	«10/14/98; 7:46:15 AM by DW
		«xtable is the address of an xml structure
		«from the root of the table, travel from the top down the 
/-separated path
		«something like "/ticket/header/title"
		«set adrresult^ to point to the value at the end of the path and 
return true
		«return false if the path is invalid
	local {
		nomad = xtable;
	loop {
		qualified = false;
		if path beginswith "/" {
			path = string.delete (path, 1, 1)};
		if path == "" {
		name = string.nthfield (path, "/", 1);
		if (name contains "[") and (name endsWith "]") { // path is qualified?
			temp = name;
			bundle { // split into element name and qualifier, attribute 
and value
				bra = string.patternMatch('[',temp);
				expression = string.mid(temp,bra,sizeOf(temp) - 1);
				name = string.mid(temp,1,bra - 1);
				temp = expression;
				attribute = 
string.popLeading(string.popLeading(string.nthField(temp," ",1),"["),"@");
				value = 
string.popTrailing(string.replaceAll(string.nthField(temp," ",3),"'",""),"
				qualified = true;
				path = string.replace(path,expression,"")}};
		path = string.delete (path, 1, sizeof (name) + 1);
		try {
			if qualified {
				found = false;
				elements = xml.getAddressList(nomad,name);
				for i = 1 to sizeOf(elements) {
					if xml.getAttributeValue(elements[i],attribute) == string(value) {
						found = true;
						nomad = elements[i]; // keep searching from this point
				if not(found) {
					return false}}
			else {
				nomad = xml.getAddress (nomad, name)}}
		else {
			return (false)}};
	adrresult^ = nomad;
	return (true)};
«bundle //test code
	«dialog.alert (getAddressFromXpath (@scratchpad.test, 
"/page/howdoi[@id = '1']/para[@id = '1']/em", at scratchpad.foo)^)

Bill Humphries <whump at apple.com>
Webmaster, HR Systems
Apple Computer

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