Another Request: sablotron.dll

Andre Radke lists at
Mon Mar 18 22:51:52 PST 2002

At 17:38h -0800 18.03.2002, Bill Humphries wrote:
>I'd also like to call an XSLT engine from inside of Frontier, but I 
>don't want to have to fork a process to do it.
>I'm not a C/C++ head, so I don't know the difficulties involved in 
>adding something like Ginger Aliance's Sablotron XSLT processor. 

I might step up to the plate, but no promises yet. (If someone else 
is already working on this, please let me know.)

Do you have any idea how Sablotron compares to, say, the Gnome 
project's libxml2/libxslt, see and as far as features and performance are 


Andre Radke + mailto:lists at +

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