Macro Expansion

Matt Neuburg matt at
Thu May 9 16:42:35 PDT 2002

On Wed, 8 May 2002 19:19:03 -0400, Brian V Hughes <brianvh at> said:

>--On 05/09/02, Michel Benevento wrote:
>>  >Someone remind me, why doesn't
>>><body onload="{onload}">
>>  >expand the defined preference 'onload' when evaluating #pageHeader?
>>You need to write
>>\<body onload="{onload}">
>>to have stuff inside <>'s evaluated
>Correct. Macros inside of HTML tags aren't normally evaluated. You
>can either escape the tag that contains the macro, or you can set the
>flag (in #prefs), or as a directive in a page object, for looking
>inside HTML tags that's part of the new html.processMacros for
>Frontier 8. The flag is "processMacrosInHtmlTags".

Just to beat the horse until it's well and truly dead: the original poster
(Bill Humphries) could have found out about this by looking here:

or here:

But you would not have found out about the processMacrosInHtmlTags
directive because that was only very recently invented. It is for this
reason (and similar) that I am engaged in revising the DrMatt pages. m.

matt neuburg, phd = matt at,
pantes gar anthropoi tou eidenai oregontai phusei
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