question about This

Brian V Hughes brianvh at Dartmouth.EDU
Wed May 29 15:00:41 PDT 2002

I think it's because the page table for a static render is in a 
persistent location, @websites.["#data"], and the page table for a 
dynamic render is, usually, a local table variable created by 
inetd.supervisor, or mainResponder.respond, or any other script that 
calls html.setPageTableAddress.

All html.getPageTableAddress does is return an address pointer to the 
page table object that was last passed to html.setPageTableAddress, 
in the current execution thread.


--On 05/29/2002, Matt Neuburg wrote:
>So you're saying that during dynamic rendering the page-table is, or is in,
>a local variable outside my current scope? But if that's so, why am I able
>to get at it with html.getpagetableaddress()? To put it more clearly, why
>isn't the status of the page-table the same no matter how I get at it? If I
>can say @html.getpagetableaddress()^.somescript, why can't I say "this"
>from within that very same script? We are speaking of the very very same
>object so I don't get why the status of these two ways of addressing it
>differs. That's the problem I'm having here. m.

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