Trouble with FMPro interaction

Sean Elfstrom selfstro at
Tue Nov 12 10:52:04 PST 2002

At 11:09 PM -0600 11/10/2002, Mike Healy wrote:
>I am in the process of moving from Frontier 8.0.5 in OS 9 to OS X using Frontier 9 but am having trouble with the scipts that interact with Filemaker databases. They consistently fail in OS X because Filemaker errored - "Object not found" but the same script in OS 9 returns the information...Obviously this causes big problems with dynamic pages that rely on the information.
>Has anyone had similar trouble moving Filemaker dependant sites from OS9 to OSX, and what's the best way to fix it?

I'm not using Frontier in that capacity, but I *have* noticed some general issues with scripting FMP in Mac OS X.

Try bringing the relevant database window to the front before attempting to retrieve data from it. I think that's what solved most of my problems.

Sean Elfstrom      selfstro at | ImagiQ
XO/Mac Wrangler         PGP:0x716F29D6 | 2325 NW Military, Suite 103
Apple Product Professional          O- | San Antonio, TX 78231
Apple Specialist                       | 210-377-3545        800-750-0787

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