AppleEvents and OS X 10.2

Sean Elfstrom selfstro at
Mon Sep 9 11:22:19 PDT 2002

At 10:07 AM -0500 9/9/02, Nick Cahill wrote:
>Dear all,
>Has something changed with Apple Events and OS X 10.2? I upgraded to 10.2, and find that I can't get Frontier to talk reliably with Filemaker. I'm trying to do the simplest lookup on a Filemaker Pro database, something like:
>with fileMaker, objectModel {
>	result = getData (record[cell["Archive"] == "1992.06.0234"])}
>This keeps returning the most peculiar errors, such as
>   Can't call "getData" because the only script it contains is named ""
>   Can't find a sub-table named ""
>or something to do with "because 'as' is not defined."
>All these are generated by system.verbs.apps.Filemaker.getData failing.
>Often it ends up crashing either Filemaker or Frontier.
>Script Editor can do the find perfectly well -- with just "every record whose cell "Archive" = "1992.06.0234." So the problem is not with the OS or with Filemaker.
>I'm using Filemaker 5.5, a newly reinstalled copy of Frontier 8.05, on a clean installation of OS X 10.2.
>Any help would be greatly appreciated. What do you others do about looking stuff up in external databases? Do you use Filemaker, and if so, how?

First, go here: <>

If things still don't work, then please report back.

Sean Elfstrom      selfstro at | ImagiQ
XO/Mac Wrangler         PGP:0x716F29D6 | 2325 NW Military, Suite 103
Apple Product Professional          O- | San Antonio, TX 78231
Apple Specialist                       | 210-377-3545        800-750-0787

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