AppleEvents and OS X 10.2

Nick Cahill ndcahill at
Mon Sep 9 11:46:37 PDT 2002

Yes, that did it all right. Would it be worth posting this to the 
list in case someone else is having the same problem? It's not 
obvious on your web site -- unless I really missed it badly.



>At 10:07 AM -0500 9/9/02, Nick Cahill wrote:
>>Dear all,
>>Has something changed with Apple Events and OS X 10.2? I upgraded 
>>to 10.2, and find that I can't get Frontier to talk reliably with 
>>Filemaker. I'm trying to do the simplest lookup on a Filemaker Pro 
>>database, something like:
>>with fileMaker, objectModel {
>>	result = getData (record[cell["Archive"] == "1992.06.0234"])}
>>This keeps returning the most peculiar errors, such as
>>    Can't call "getData" because the only script it contains is named ""
>>    Can't find a sub-table named ""
>>or something to do with "because 'as' is not defined."
>>All these are generated by system.verbs.apps.Filemaker.getData failing.
>>Often it ends up crashing either Filemaker or Frontier.
>>Script Editor can do the find perfectly well -- with just "every 
>>record whose cell "Archive" = "1992.06.0234." So the problem is not 
>>with the OS or with Filemaker.
>>I'm using Filemaker 5.5, a newly reinstalled copy of Frontier 8.05, 
>>on a clean installation of OS X 10.2.
>>Any help would be greatly appreciated. What do you others do about 
>>looking stuff up in external databases? Do you use Filemaker, and 
>>if so, how?
>First, go here: <>
>If things still don't work, then please report back.
>Sean Elfstrom      selfstro at | ImagiQ
>XO/Mac Wrangler         PGP:0x716F29D6 | 2325 NW Military, Suite 103
>Apple Product Professional          O- | San Antonio, TX 78231
>Apple Specialist                       | 210-377-3545        800-750-0787

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