Migrating to Mac OS X...

Bob Mitchell mitchell at purdue.edu
Wed Sep 11 16:02:26 PDT 2002

Thanks Sean and Samuel for all the conversation concerning migrating WebSTAR
and Frontier to Mac OS X (10.2).

Here are some specifics as to what used to happen and what's happening now
after migrating:

OS 9.2.x:

An alias to Frontier was placed in the WebStar root directory and renamed to
Frontier.acgi.  In the Action mapping of WebStar was put the action name of
FRONTIER and the path set to Frontier.acgi.  Any URL ending in .fcgi would
launch Frontier and process the script residing in:


which usually returned a dynamic html back to the calling browser.

OS X (10.2):
Logged in as "webstar", an alias to Frontier was placed in the
4DWebSTAR:WebServer:cgi-bin: folder.  Using the AdminClient, the following
Suffix Mapping was added:

Suffix:  .fcgi       MIME Type:  text/html   Action:  ACGI

To test, I'm using with IE on the WebSTAR computer.  Regular html
files seem to work.  When accessing a [scriptname].fcgi, Frontier launches,
but the web page goes blank (white) with no messages, no errors, no dig we
must, nothing.

The Mac console does reveal the following message:

*** malloc[586]: Deallocation of a pointer not malloced: 0x7d538; This could
be a double free(), or free() called with the middle of an allocated block;
Try setting environment variable MallocHelp to see tools to help debug.

Hope this helps.  Is there a better way to call Frontier as a CGI from
WebSTAR and get around the 32K limit?

Thanks for the help.


Bob Mitchell, Dept. IT Manager & Webmaster
1155 Botany and Plant Pathology Dept.
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN  47907-1155
Email:  mitchell at purdue.edu
Phone:  765-494-4659, FAX:  765-494-0363
WWW:    http://www.btny.purdue.edu

At 1:32 PM -0700 9/10/02, Samuel DeVore wrote:
>On Tuesday, September 10, 2002, at 01:25  PM, Sean Elfstrom wrote:
>>At 11:13 AM -0500 9/10/02, Bob Mitchell wrote:
>>>I am migrating WebStar 4.5 and Frontier 8.0.5 from MacOS 9.2.2 to WebStar V
>>>and Frontier 8.0.5 on MacOS 10.2. WebStar migrated and runs correctly;
>>>Frontier roots were migrated and run on OS 10 version, but I'm at a loss on
>>>how to setup the Action in WebStar that will process a Frontier script as a
>>>CGI. I'm not running the Frontier webserver. Could someone point me in the
>>>right direction?
>>Do the instructions for WebStar under Mac OS 9 not work with the version of
WebStar for Mac OS X? I haven't looked at WebStar for X since I first tried
to move my server to Mac OS X, and don't remember whether the interface for
adding actions has changed.
>   I looked over the docs since one can just download them and they are thin so
I can see where Bob might be having questions, they do seem to be the same.
I wonder if there are any problems with changes to appleEvents, or the apps
table for webserver if the creator has changed...  I never found this to be
a great solution anyway for me since there was still the 32K limitation on
passed data.

You have a good point (32K limit). As I recall, there never seemed to be a
huge demand for the fixes required to work around the limit, so it never got

Maybe if Bob tells us what steps he's taken, and what's not working, we can
sort out whether it's even possible to do in Mac OS X. I won't be able to do
a test setup to try and reproduce the problem until late this evening at the

Sean Elfstrom      selfstro at ImagiQ.com | ImagiQ    http://www.ImagiQ.com/
XO/Mac Wrangler         PGP:0x716F29D6 | 2325 NW Military, Suite 103
Apple Product Professional          O- | San Antonio, TX 78231
Apple Specialist                       | 210-377-3545        800-750-0787

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