Migrating images & gems

Steve Hooker steve at cybersaps.com
Thu Jun 26 13:11:29 PDT 2003

on 26/06/03 3:49 pm, Matt Mower at mmower at novissio.com wrote:

> I'm moving some Manila sites from one server to another.  As I
> understand it, even though I have moved the site, the images and gems
> are still being served from the original location.  I believe there is a
> script which can help to migrate at least the images across but I've
> Googled for it without success.
> Can anyone help me either with some advice?  Or indeed the script
> itself?


And to move the gems, just move the Gems folder to the new server. Check/fix
the right addresses in  mySiteManilaWebsite.["#newsSite"].gems.data

And of course through the web admin or on the config root itself:

I've done a bunch of this stuff lately, if you want a load of "fix it"
scripts contact me off list.

Steve Hooker

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