Re(2): How to get EXIF data from a JPEG

Jan M.J. Storms jan at
Fri Feb 27 02:54:42 PST 2004

Brian Ablaza scripsit dd. Wed, 11 Feb 2004 11:11:33 -0500

>What platform are you on?
>I don't think Frontier by itself can get much from the EXIF header - 
>maybe the camera and model - but I know Imagemagick can get any or 
>all EXIF data from an image. On OS X, the command can be called from 
>Frontier. I don't know what can be done on Windows (as far as calling 
>Imagemagick from Frontier).
>>Is there a way to use Frontier to get the EXIF data from a JPEG file?
>>Nick Cahill

Knowing the exif format <
Digicams/exif-e.html> one should be able to get *everythng* usng frontier.


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