New Message: Re: Members DB Link Broken - Please Help

Jan M.J. Storms jan at
Mon Jun 7 13:00:55 PDT 2004

webmaster at scripsit dd. Mon, 7 Jun 2004 09:46:43 +0000
(internet: @449)

>A new message was posted:
>By: Bill (crllen at
>A related question:
>I have a site at [eg] that is suffering from this Members DB
>problem. I also have sites at [eg] Is there a way I
>can just create a new site and start from scratch with a new Members DB?
>I want to be able to point to the original URL [eg]
>I have yet to take the site live.
>I am relatively new to Frontier and must confess to being very confused
>by the Members DB issues on shared sites?

Hi Bill,

If you have access to the server, look at
myManilaWebsite.["#prefs"].defaultMembershipGroup; the value there must
be the name of an address entry in the members.root. Double click that
value. If it exists in members.root you will see the address there. In
this example expect to see @["My hard disk:Applications:Frontier:Guest

So the pref points to an address in members.root and the address in
members.root points back to the #membershipGroup table in your site.

For shared membershipgroups it must be the same but different I guess ;)


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