Mystery message from Frontier

David A. Bayly
Tue, 9 Apr 2002 23:24:37 +0100

>On Tuesday, April 9, 2002, at 02:15  PM, David A. Bayly wrote:
>>You're missing a table at config.manila./stats.referers. Make an 
>>empty one and see what happens
>Hi David and Frontier/Manila Gurus:
>Could this be the cause of my problems as well? I am getting the 
>same mystery message when my client tries to submit a new story to 
>update his Manila website. More info:
>I will try adding an empty refers table to config.manila.stats and 
>see if this fixes the problem.

I think your problem is that the referer isn't getting from the 
browser to Frontier.  Doug's problem may be that he only ever 
referenced the website from localhost, so there never was a referer 
and the table wasn't created . I'm guessing.

I know how to debug your problem though. Do you have access to the 
server? If so set config.mainresponder.prefs.flDebug to true. 
Reproduce the problem, then look at config.mainresponder.debugLog. 
Look at paramsin. Look at requestheaders. tabale. Wjat do you see?

Don't forget to set  t config.mainresponder.prefs.flDebug to false.

>>>When I go to Email Config in the Control Panel and follow the 
>>>instructions, I get the error below:
>>>Email Config
>>>Enter an email address in the form below and click on Submit, and 
>>>an extensive status report for your Frontier configuration will be 
>>>sent through email to the designated address. (No passwords are 
>>>included in the email.)
>>>--> Can't evaluate the expression because the name "referers" 
>>>hasn't been defined.
>>>Any ideas?
>>- David Bayly.       Programmer and digest reader.     dbayly at udena dot ch
>>  		Digest Readers do it once a day.


- David Bayly.       Programmer and digest reader.     dbayly at udena dot ch
  		Digest Readers do it once a day.