"Can't read stream because the TCP connection..."

Sam DeVore Manila-Newbies@userland.com
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 07:41:03 -0700

On 7/11/02 7:27 AM, "Dave Winer" <dave@userland.com> wrote:

> Sam, I think Doc is seeing the same problem you were seeing connecting to
> RCS from Radio on Mac OS X. Since he wasn't seeing it before, the question
> is -- what variable changed? If he can't reproduce it on Mac OS 9, we will
> know. Dave
I think you are right, my guess is that he is getting more dropped packets
to the server then he was before, and the connection between os x and
windows is dropping the ball on resending them.

Sam D
Samuel C. DeVore    sdevore@teachesme.com
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